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Q + A

Q: Why won't my wood wick stay lit? 

A: Wood wicks are a little tricky to work with sometimes, but once they get going, the sound and ambience they give off is beautiful. During your first light, it helps to tilt your candle and light the EDGE of the wick so your flame travels from edge to edge. You might need to hold your lighter to the edge of your wick for several seconds during this process as the melted wax is fuel to your flame! If your flame burns out right away, don't panic. Sometimes, you'll need to do this process a few times but trust me, once lit you'll be at peace with the crackling music your candle plays! *NOTE: If you are relighting your wood wick, make sure your wick is trimmed. If you light your wood wick without trimming your wick, the flame will become dull + burn out.

Q: Why is my candle tunneling? 

A: It is important that your first burn is approximately 2-4 hours OR until your candle reaches a full melt pool (melted wax from edge to edge) before you blow your candle out. Doing this will ensure an even burn throughout your candles life. Wax has AMAZING memory which is why your first burn is so important. You candle will remember to burn evenly each time you light it which is why the first burn is so important. 

Q: Why is there a lot of smoke when I light my candle?

A: Trim, trim, trim your wick! Make sure your wick is always trimmed to 1/4" before you relight your candle! Your first burn should be good to go, as I properly trim each wick before shipping. Before you relight your candle, gently pinch (or cut) the burnt tips of your wick.

Q: Why is there black soot on my jar?

A: Soot is the solid particle that results from incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels, primarily petroleum-based fuels. This is called petro-carbon soot which is not found in soy wax. Soy wax is completely petro-carbon soot free. ALTHOUGH, the only completely soot free candle flame is a natural gas flame. To limit any soot that may build up on your jar you can do these things: 

  • Properly trim your wicks- Keep wicks trimmed short.  A wick length over 1/4 inch will tend to convey excessive fuel and produce more soot. 

  • Air turbulence- A flickering flame emits more soot. Candles near doorways or traffic areas are subject to drafts and turbulence, producing more soot.

  • Burning your candle for too long- Do not burn your candle for more than 4 hours at a time. 

Q: Why is the flame only pointing to one side of the candle?

A: If you notice your flame burning on one side of the candle (either to far to the left or right) causing your candle to burn unevenly, gentle take the tip of your lighter (if you're using a long lighter) or a butter knife and push the wick towards the center. There are many reasons your wick will gravitate to one side (ie: a draft in the room), but doing this trick will help push your flame back on track for an even burn. 

Q: Why is the top of my candle bumpy/pitted/rough after I burn my candle? 

A: The rough, bumpy tops after burning a soy wax candle are caused when the hot wax in the melt pool cools and solidifies at an inconsistent rate. This is a natural feature of 100% soy wax. This will not affect the performance of your candle.  

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